Yeguada Vilaire
Since 1980

Yeguada Vilaire is the fruit of the passion for the horses of Pure Spanish Race of D. Narciso Vilaire Blanch and his family.
Since 1980 we have selected the best mares and stallions of the breed to create a line of its own whose maximum exponent is the stallion Jewish VII, father of the champions of Spain and the world, genetic basis of important yeguadas in Spain and abroad.
Our stallions and mares are used as a “raceadores”, Jewish VII is the stallion with the highest coefficient of fidelity race (Pura Raza Española).
The passion and love for the horses of pure Spanish race spurs us to keep improving every day to offer our customers the highest quality.

We hope that your visit to our website will be an experience that we give to our horses and facilities.
The doors of our stud are always open for all the fans and followers that we believe are best breed of horse in the world “The Pure Spanish Horse”.
Yeguada Vilaire counts with full equipment and the best facilities.